The original free access online criminology journal
The Internet Journal of Criminology (IJC) is a free dual-open access online criminology journal. That means we do not charge authors to have their work published here and it means that everything published in the journal is 100% free open access. The general editor is Dr Mike Sutton (drmikesutton@hotmailcom). This Hotmail email is the email address you must use to use submit articles for publication , student dissertations for publication, book reviews or any queries,
For academic referencing purposes, every scholarly article or other publication n this site uses the ISSN 2045-6743 (Online)
Our aim is to publish international, scholarly and peer-reviewed criminology articles of the highest standard from many areas of expertise including, but by no means limited to: the criminal justice system, penology, crime reduction, delinquency, hate crimes, deviant social behaviour, hi-tech crime, green criminology, wildlife and rural crime, white collar crime, science fraud, plagiarism, copyright theft, policing, quantitative criminology, environmental criminology, crime science, and cultural criminology.
Through publishing online the Internet Journal of Criminology is able to publish a greater number of articles, and therefore reduce the time between acceptance of completed work and publication.
Each criminology article published in the Internet Journal of Criminology goes through an open peer-review process; a unique and innovative approach to modern academic publishing.
From the initial acceptance of criminology articles worthy of publication, the IJC will publish with the utmost regard to timeliness.
The IJC is published by New University Press (NUP), a division of flashmousepublishing ltd. NUP is dedicated to providing readers of the IJC with international, scholarly, and peer reviewed criminology articles. The electronic format allows for more rapid publication than other mediums and the IJC is dedicated to providing free online access to all criminology articles.
If you have any queries or wish to submit a criminology article please contact the General and Chief Editor

The IJC has moved to an open peer review process. The process involves publishing the reviewers names, affiliations and comments at the bottom of each reviewed article. There are several reasons for adopting this innovative approach and the pros and cons can be found in many papers and discussions on the Internet.
Read, absorb, inform, inspire.
Following a successful trial, the IJC has moved to an open peer review process. The process involves publishing the reviewer's names, affiliations and comments at the bottom of the reviewed article. There are several reasons for adopting this approach and the pros and cons of open versus anonymous/blind peer review can be found in many papers and discussions on the Internet.
As an open access journal, the IJC has been very successful in leading the way in open access criminology publishing. We charge nothing for people to download and read articles in full. The owners of the journal are working in their own time and without any external support or financing whatsoever.
In light of the popularity of the journal in the past few years, we have found it impossible to properly manage the old double/blind expert peer review process and subsequent manuscript editing. Any editor of an academic journal will tell you just how time consuming this task is. Consequently, without funding or administrative support, we have developed a long backlog of unpublished and un-reviewed papers as our full-time work commitments have taken priority. To deal with situation we have decided to be highly innovative, adopting open peer review.
The IJC will keep to its tradition of being better than its competitors, not because the IJC necessarily does things better, but because we lead the way in doing things differently. Our new open peer review process is simple and revolutionary and will lead to rapid publication of your paper following submission.